
After the required documentation and process identification is complete, your organization will want to verify that all aspects of your quality management system are complete and comply with the ISO 14001 standard.

Brand Consulting Group will review your documentation (policies, procedures, instructions, processes, and forms, etc.) and then visit your facility to verify that what is stated is consistently being performed.

Our auditors will complete a Nonconformance Report for each nonconformance discovered during the Readiness Assessment. Your internal audit program will verify that the corrective action proposed was effective.

Who Will Be Involved?

Your organization will submit the documented Environmental Management System to our firm for review. Process Owners and employees within the proposed scope of certification should be present during the Readiness Assessment.


Varies depending upon the size, complexity, and scope of the organization being assessed.


On and Off-Site Service


$175/hour for Documentation Review $1300/auditor/day for Readiness Review

Travel expenses are not included in this pricing.